Sunday, October 13, 2019
Childless women need to stop invading Discussions for mothers
Too many parenting discussions have been invaded by childless women making derogatory comments and meddling in our safe space. Mothers should have a safe space to talk about problems and issues as well as give and get advice from other mothers.
Facebook, blogs, and twitter have had many discussions about the issues that surround parenting. Everything is discussed from child support, child care, postpartum depression, to co-parenting with an ex. In many groups, we always have a handful of childless women chime in to brag about how they were super responsible with birth control, or how they refuse to have children until they are in the perfect situation. Child less women will come bragging about how they are able to travel, get 5 degrees, and how they have so much free time to relax because they don't have children.
I have no problems or hate towards women that choose not to have children. I actually commend them for waiting and doing what's best for themselves. My issue is childless women that love to come into groups for mothers, or getting into discussions and ridicule and shame mothers. Or brag about how they got an abortion because they are so much more responsible.
Recently, there was a mother on a popular blog sharing her story of how she had regrets about becoming a mother. She was open and honest about how she felt. She was obviously tired and overwhelmed. Many mothers have had regrets about becoming a mother, for whatever reasons. We as mothers should be able to share our feelings and express ourselves without having childless women bust in our safe space and ridicule us or boast about how they are doing so much better.
There have also been childless women making jokes about single mothers and expressing how they hate children. Yes, HATE! If you are not a mother and don't plan on having children, why come into a discussion for mothers and make the discussion about YOU? Mothers, should be able to vent and share information with other mothers. We all have issues, regrets, and problems with parenting, even if we are married and have a strong support system. Most mothers go through trials that make us wonder if we should have become a mother. Mothers usually get over this as their children get older and they find peace as a mother. This is natural and we should be able to express ourselves in peace, without childless women coming to police us or point fingers at us. We go through enough that childless women would never imagine or understand.
If you chose to not have children or abort, or put your child up for adoption, feel free to do so.I applaud women for not having children. It's your right, it's your choice. No shame from me, but also respect mothers and allow them to vent. It reminds me of light skin women that invade safe spaces for darker women. Or slim women that cry out for attention when large women are venting.
If you want to brag about being a childless woman, go brag and boast with other childless women. Do not come into a parent group or a discussion for mothers. Many childless women are not even bragging, they are venting and meddling. It's almost like a hobby for childless women to pop into a discussion for mothers to whine about something or brag about how their birth control never failed them. We respect your decision to not become a parent, so please respect our safe space and allow us to have discussions in peace.
Friday, October 4, 2019
Plus Size Discrimination and Body Shamming (Part 1)
Plus size Discrimination and body shamming is not something that only happens on social media or with celebrities. Many people do not understand or care to point out body shamming if it is not happening to them. Although skinny/slim people have had complaints about being teased in elementary school for being skinny or being called Slim Jim; I am not talking about those issues. Im upset about large women not getting hired because the company fears that a large woman will intimidate clients or bring down the company image. I am upset with public places not accommodating larger people. Im upset when large people, including children are cyber bullied online and in school.
When a large person is sick or have any issues with their health, the problem is usually blamed on their weight. I've been to the doctor for flu symptoms or a pap smear and and more attention was put on my weight. I've know large women that went to the doctor for back pain from a car accident, or a slip and fall and the doctor grilled them about their weight, but didn't really show compassion to the original reason they were there.
I have seen women post a beautiful picture to show off a new dress or a new hair style, and people will make derogatory comments about the woman's weight. They would pretend they were concerned with her health, as if slim people don't have any health concerns. That is another pet-peeve of mine, people pretending to be so appalled when a larger person post pictures and they try to disguise their fat phobia by saying they are concerned with the person's health.
I would rather a person just say "Im not use to seeing a big woman get that much positive attention and it bothers me" or "She's very big, I wish I was as confident as she is". I get tired of the fake outrage. The fake outrage is other people being so upset and pretending to be so offended when a beautiful large woman post a sexy picture. Or a larger woman posting a beautiful dress or showing herself out having fun. Oh, let's not forget when a large woman post herself with a spouse, and people question why the man is with the large woman. I could go on and on.
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