Tuesday, August 21, 2018

My Best Advice for Single Mothers

10 things that single mothers should keep in consideration. My advice to mothers:

1. Your self worth is not determined by marriage or getting and keeping a man.

2. Being a single mother shouldn't stop you from dating or having sexual relations that are healthy.

3. Being a single mother is not a death sentence, you should be able to take breaks and enjoy some "me Time" This could include spa treatments, lunch dates, girls night at the movies, or a nature walk alone.

4.You don't have to settle because you are a single mother.  You do not have to settle for a broke unstable man.

5. As a single mother, you shouldn't have to give into struggle love, which is getting involved with a man that has nothing to offer but hardships and penis. This is the single guy that has no vehicle, still in college after multiple years with no degree, behind in child support and on probation/parole, or the brother that doesn't have his own housing or job. Don't feel like you have to struggle or support him because he's a nice guy struggling.

6.You need to rest. You are not a powerful machine. Lay down and rest. You don't have to stay up late every night washing clothes, dusting the furniture and trying to catch up on every show you recorded.

7. Invest in yourself. As stated before invest in beauty products, invest in your health, invest and save your money.

8. You are not a disease. Single mothers have been on planet earth since the beginning. Do not allow others to make you feel guilty for being a single mother. Don't ever let others discourage you or put shame on your for giving birth.

9. Be prepared for emergencies. Always have a close friend or a neighbor that you can go to in an emergency for childcare. Have money put away for emergencies.

10. Do not feel bad about splurging on something you really like. Maybe a new purse, makeup, perfumes, or a new pair of shoes.

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