Saturday, September 8, 2018

Natural Hair Vs Weaves/Wigs/Relaxers

I am so tired of men in the so called "conscious community" making the rules and regulations on how black women should wear their hair. I've seen posts and memes all over twitter, facebook, and youtube involving men telling women how they should wear their hair and why they shouldn't wear weave or chemicals. I hate the way these grown men will try to make women feel guilty for wearing a relaxer or hair extensions. The same men that claim they hate weaves and lacefront wigs will sleep with a weave wearing vixen in a heart beat. The same men that claim they are too conscious for a perm wearing sister are the same men that will cheat on their dreadlock wearing wife for a lacefront diva at the club. Women need to do what makes them comfortable and happy. Don't let anybody shame you into cutting your hair or retiring your pressing comb because they feel they you have more control over your head than you. I know sisters what will never perm or wear weave. I'm all for that, because I am a natural sister myself, however, if I decided to dye my hair, or wear a wig, I will not wait on anybody to give me permission.

I spoke to a woman a few days ago that admitted that if she ever  cut her dreads or went back to perming that all hell with break lose with her husband. She confided in me that she was tired of dreads and hated that she is very limited with styling, but she knew that cutting her dreads would be like cheating on her husband. I offered her the best advice I could give. I know she is not the only woman going through this hair crisis with a man.

I am a natural sister, because I chose to be natural. I needed a break from perming and weaving, in addition to spending so much money at every beauty supply on every corner. I haven't permed or pressed my hair in over 5 years. I usually wear afro ponytails or head scarves, and I still don't believe I'm in a position to criticize grown women on what is best for their hair.

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